Thank you for choosing House Call Home Inspection for your inspection needs! We strive to provide you with the most professional service available in the inspection industry.
If you have any questions before, during or after your inspection, please don’t hesitate to contact your inspector. We are always available to answer your questions and provide you with enough knowledge to make an informed purchase.
We have provided some additional educational materials to help guide you through the inspection (and purchase) process. Please read through these materials to help familiarize yourself with the service provided by your inspection company, as your home inspection agreement will ask you to verify that your have received, read and understand these documents.
The Mold Information Packet provides valuable information about mold and its presence in homes and buildings. It also outlines the legal responsibilities of your inspector regarding the possible presence of mold during the inspection.
The Louisiana Home Inspection Laws are the Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics that Louisiana licensed home inspectors must adhere to when performing inspections. They outline your inspector’s responsibilities. Please be sure to read it thoroughly, so that you will not be surprised by anything that your inspector does or does not include in your inspection report.
Again, please contact us if your have any questions regarding the inspection or this information.
Thank you,
House Call Home Inspection